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With the upcoming addition of a treadmill and Watt Bike to the Zone gym space, we are excited to be able to partner with Sydney Sports Exercise Physiology to provide VO2Max and Anaerobic Threshold testing.

VO2 Max and anaerobic threshold testing provides a valuable tool for both coaches and athletes to add specificity to their training regime. When an athlete’s individual physiology is understood correctly it allows for accurate determination and implementation of intensity levels for training, competition and recovery. Use science to validate your training thresholds. Everyone’s training thresholds change due to various reasons. This could be due to exercise history, periodisation of current training program or even illness/injury.

It is ideal to measure your training thresholds at particular times in the year. This varies from sport to sport, goals and training periodisation. It is always advisable to get baseline measurements and testing prior to beginning any new program. This is vital to optimise training efficiency and performance outcomes.

  • Determine physiological baseline
  • Develop training zones
  • Monitor training adaptations
  • Improve performance


VO2Max and Anaerobic Threshold

The VO2max test provides a range of data that can be of benefit to cyclists, runners, triathletes or anyone looking to identify baseline measures. This test includes absolute and relative VO2 max, absolute and relative maximal aerobic power, maximal heart rate, calculated anaerobic threshold. This data can be used for establishing training zones, designing intervals, talent identification as well as monitoring and evaluation of specific training interventions.

Lactate Transition Thresholds

This type of test allows for training prescriptions to be made based of blood lactate data. During this test, ventilatory data is collected, however, this is not a maximal test of aerobic output but rather an analysis of submaximal work capacity.

Submaximal Testing

A determination of VO2max based on tests that are not to maximal capacity. Ideal for those with identified cardiovascular risk factors.

Submaximal Testing

A determination of VO2max based on tests that are not to maximal capacity. Ideal for those with identified cardiovascular risk factors.

Anaerobic Power Testing

Determination of maximal power outputs. Details upon request.

To find out which test is right for you, contact the experts at Sydney Sports Exercise Physiology –  . To book an appointment contact our clinic and our Exercise Physiologist will arrange a time for you.


Medical clearance is required for males >45 years and females >55 years. If you have one or more risk factor for cardiovascular disease you are also required to undertake a full blood test in addition to clearance prior to consultation.

No alcohol, caffeine or excessive exercise 24 hours prior to maximal testing.
You will also be required to undertake a pre exercise questionnaire.

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